Tuesday 9 February 2016

Evolution of Micro Learning as a Future of Workplace Training

Micro learning refers to learning in short by breaking down the information materials. These days we work in fast pace. No one has the time to read loads in times of busy schedules. Usually we just take a glimpse of information in few minutes to cover important details. Smart phones and tablets come to greater help to serve the purpose. With the advancement in technology we need not sit for hours to read newspaper or go through news channels. The updated softwares does it all. Micro learning, the workplace learning strategy helps the employees take short bit of lessons over and over again. Employees never oppose getting trained with a fresh bunch of information but they want a bit of control as to what way they should do it.

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/yfuoww

What are the benefits of online training to the employees?

An ongoing online training in an organisation removes boredom of the employees, motivates them with something new. The form of training help the employees brush up their skills. The benefits of ongoing online training are as follows:
  • Improved job satisfaction - An online training means learning something new and fresh everyday. This form of training in organisation motivates the employees since loads of information is not heaped upon them. They have the facility to learn in parts but learn effectively. Retention rates in offices are increased with the increase in job satisfaction.
  • Increase in knowledge and skills - An online training increases the knowledge and skills of the employees. With regular update in information, this helps the employees brush up their skills and stay ahead from the crowd. They can handle situations more effectively than those who follow the traditional classroom training.
  • Helps to stay updated - Rather than one feels to again open the book and study, they quickly take glimpse of the headlines from the tablet. Now days in offices too, a short training is given to the employees via video conferencing, advertisements on promotions or lectures online. This helps the people working there stay updated about the recent products, its offers, prices etc.
  • Highlights the unknown positivities and negativities of the employee - Through the online training programme the companies are able to figure out the hidden positivities and negativities of their employees. Training online needs effective handling of updated softwares with proper knowledge of how to use it. At this point of time the strengths and weaknesses of the employees are revealed and accordingly companies can work on the same to improve situations.
Image Courtesy: goo.gl/0uysdb

What are the ways where business can use Micro learning?

Employees are no different from the fact that they need information that would be interesting, friendly to use and that which motivates them. This is what calls for Micro Learning that helps to learn in parts and in form of small bits of information. The different ways where business can use Micro Learning are as follows:
  • Employee manuals - Employee manuals like notes on how they should work in an organisation should be well versed. However, staffs in a workplace are not kids and they cannot be forced to sit for hours to grab something from the hard-binding notes. This is where the innovative smart phones and tablets pays off! The employees can access their tablets and go through the details in few seconds rather than spending hours in the same.
  • Library of modules - In an organisation, the library of modules refer to the schedules that an HR or other concerned person needs to follow. Here is the time when hard copy and notes fail to serve the purpose and meet deadlines. Since it becomes impossible to take a note of everything in pen and paper, smart phones and gadgets take note of the same and are never lost.
  • Workplace culture - The workplace culture must allow employees for autonomy and permit the use of something that is interactive. With advancement in technologies, micro learning has successfully changed the workplace culture and has made it more participative and enjoyable.
  • Updates as micro learning - This is the easiest job for micro learning. If you need an updated information on something, you just need to access the internet or play videos on your tablets.

Image Caption: goo.gl/64WG7U

How to make Micro learning work?

Have a look at the three ways in which Micro Learning works. These are easier and faster.
  • Compatible use of smart phones and tablets - All access of information and advertisements should be compatible with the mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. The process must be user friendly and should not entertain bugs!
  • It is easier and faster - The micro learning concept is easier and faster since it could be accessed on mobiles and takes least time possible. The process is problem free once you have a good internet connection.
  • Allows interaction - Micro learning, as an interactive process includes gamification as a module. This makes the process smooth and user-friendly.

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/Ui9IzV

What are the powerful learning tools used in Micro learning?

The powerful learning tools used in Micro learning includes gamification, mobile learning etc.

Gamification is the updated form of E-learning to provide effective learning experiences. The real time situations and challenges that are faced by the learners or the trainers in a safe environment, calls for effective gamification. It involves a friendly environment that too via E-learning methods.

Mobile learning in terms of E-learning method is also one of the powerful learning tools in micro learning. With upgradation in innovative technologies employees or staffs can take the benefits of their mobiles, tablets for a quick review of things.

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/SmveUh


The future of training in workplace has its benefits with micro learning. The form of training has made it easier for the employees as well as the organisations to utilise their fullest. While staffs can get trained through the updated devices, it becomes faster and easier for the organisations to simplify tools.

What is your point of view regarding the future of training? Feel free to share with us.

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