Friday 27 November 2015

Online Learning Providing New Avenues With Online Degree Programs

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In the fast paced life online learning offers tremendous flexibility, helping the students to learn in more friendly environment. You will find people debating about benefits of classroom and online learning. But learning online undoubtedly has favoured the students. Today students have many options, each one with different strengths. For example, in local charter schools, students, parents, teachers and administrators interact in a manner which is next to impossible. And then Online Learning comes into frame. Online Learning became a favourable approach for the students who might be at, ahead or lack in studies, or behind the level of their classmates to progress and prosper at their own pace,thus making it more convenient to the students.

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Today more efforts are being given to enhance the quality of the online education. Colleges and universities have engaged their online faculty to facilitate the web learners. Schools have initiated the process to engage the students and the teachers to online digital learning. The digital technology has already been devised at the kindergarten schools to make learning attracting and engaging among the toddlers. We will see how online learning boons the education system in the schools. Check it out.

Learning With Ease

Students engaged in e-learning educate themselves according to their time and pace. Sometimes it may happen that in a classroom, every student may not possess the same speed to learn the lesson. The adaptability of learning varies from individual to individual. Thus, online learning extends support to those students who may require extra time to understand the lesson or to match-up with the speed of the others. Online Degree Programs are also helpful for students who are willing to work, while studying.

Flexibility To Study In The Holidays

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Online Learning allows the students to carry their studies with them during the holidays or any vacation. Since, technology has made learning available on different gadgets, it's easier for the students to carry on their learning anywhere and any time, rather than missing valuable classroom time. Thereby, students enjoys the benefit to study during the holiday. The accessibility of the digital mode of learning makes learning conducive for the learner. 

Educational Trips

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Online learning enables the schools to arrange frequent educational tours. The education trips gives the student opportunity to make a bonding with their classmates and teachers. It also builds confidence among the school children. With technology in hand and teachers along, there is little chance of learning process to suffer. While during an educational trip students can engage in study.

Online Learning Rendering Boon To The Education System

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Education has become dynamic. Be it school, college or the university, the education system is rapidly changing its course design, to make learning more meaningful. Online learning provides the student, the platform to form a group, regular interaction with the teacher and faculties. E-learning enables the learner to connect to the rest of the world via web. This way the student is not confined to the conventional learning. As the trend of e-learning is being increasingly followed in the high schools, colleges and universities, web education is now getting adapted by the primary schools as well. Thereby, online learning renders boon to the education system.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.

Monday 5 October 2015

The Privileges Of Online Education

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Online education is not only a healthy education but also healthier for your economy. It has all the features of traditional education and it is cost-effective; it is interesting ; it is advantageous and a lot more. This feature is not only acceptable but also favourable to students across the world.

Let us look at the beneficial features of online education:

Cost-effective education

Online education offers cost-effectiveness to the students which makes it more reachable to them. You don't need to pay a lot as you are studying in an online medium and you do not have to pay for other things for which normally your expenditure gets a little higher in case of traditional education.

Less pressure

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Online education asserts a lot less pressure on the student. When you are an online student, you do not study with your peers. You study individually. In this way, you can follow your own pace. However, deadlines will be there for the completion of any assignment but the individual learning style will help you to deepen your concentration on your studies.

More skill development

The skills of the learners are developed more in online education because of various reasons. The efficient tools used in online education assists the learners to improve their set of skills as well as the constant involvement of the teacher to develop the applicable qualities of the students provide a lot of benefits to the teacher.

Personalised education

Personalised education is another feature of online education. It provides customised information that the student wants to study. Your choice for studying gets a lot of importance in online education than the traditional one.

Interactive networking

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Online education also encourages the healthy form of social networking as a way of education that encourages the students as well as targets to form a network. The network building urges the point of teamwork and collaboration with them and it also makes them hear their personal views with their peers. It is healthy for education as well as it is healthy for the mind. It makes the learner connected with the peers all over the globe.

Wherever and whenever

Online education gives you the opportunity of studying wherever and whenever you want to. It is education easily accessible whenever and wherever it is needed. What is needed utmost is a stable internet connection.

A lot of comfort

The comfort is more in online education than traditional education. You do not need to go to the brick-and-mortar institutions for studying. You do not need to carry heavy books with you. You do not even need to follow a dress code. You only need to have a device and a stable internet connectivity.

Same degree programmes as traditional education

Transfer credit

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Online education should be given credit. If you are following a class in traditional education and you are not able to schedule a certain class for your graduation, then online education permits you to take a class and transfer the credit.

Be online to get educational privileges

Online education provides a lot of privileges. You have to decide which education you will choose. But if you choose online education, then you are definitely choosing education with a lot of benefits.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.

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Sunday 20 September 2015

Online Learning Replaces Traditional Learning

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The inevitability of the arrival of the modern age is truly witnessed prominently as the Simmons College have revealed its intention to turn its long 4 year traditional MBA program into an online MBA.
The students’ reaction, though, is anticipated to be strongly protesting. The college i ready for that. But the decision of the college puts it in front of the serious doubt of the financial condition of the institution.
President Helen Drinan said that the decision will reduce retirement conditions but it has to freeze the staff pay.
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The institution has only 20 new MBA student enrolled for this year. The news was announced to them in a forum.
The aim of the institution was something different and progressive. It stuck to provide MBA programs for females only at a time when the male domination in the business field was not only greater in number but also dominating in action. But the system has changed in the modern time.

According to the meeting through video viewed by the Globe, the President Drinan said at the forum
“There are just not enough women who believe that this is the right alternative for them.”

The actual financial crisis

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Actually the reason of this decision of the institution has originated from a huge lack of money. The fact is that it suffered a financial crisis of the loss of half a million dollars that turned out to be the deficit to the budget of the   college. it is also evident that the institution has suffered a significant loss due to its tuition fees as the other tuition-based institutions also did.
The all-women college’s total number of students is 5000 and the number of their online students is 1500 in the subject’s social work and nursing. A debt was tackled by the institutions as well as having a small endowment of 187 dollars. It suffered for four years until 2010.

Similar education in the online medium

The authorities of the institution is not ascribing any negative implementations to this change of the educational system from the traditional to the online on will not produce any pessimistic effect on the MBA program. It will remain the same and the cost will be unaffected. It will be $74,000 for the 18-month program. It will serve the students all over the nation and the quality of the education will be the same. 

Facing a crowd of impatient and agitated 100 businesswomen, Drinan said
“We have spent so much money on this program; we are trying and trying and trying to do everything we can.”

The students’ questions

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The students even questioned about the decision of the administers about the shift of the traditional to the online education.
The students considered the education by the Simmons College as something that can make the initial steps of women in the business world. They called the decision a ‘band-aid RIP’ and also questioned the administers that they have successfully turned the educational system.
The students are also afraid and are anxious about their degrees that can be depreciated.
online education.

The President answers

The President of the institution is hopeful and says that the change is significant. It will turn out to a more impactful strategy that will recover the financial condition of the company.

Authenticity of the institution: proved

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The authenticity of the institution is however proved by one of the candidates, Patricia Travaline, who earned an MBA in 1984 and is now placed as a marketing officer at a Boston-based Skyward inc. has said that she always found her university degree as something more than a degree.

She says
“I’m not just talking about finance and qualitative analysis. I’m talking about how to navigate an organization and knowing what it takes to get the job done.”
According to the educational system, what is needed is not the way of education but education itself. For that taking up the online MBA at the same college may prove actually healthy and not disheartening to the students and only they can understand it. 

What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.

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Friday 18 September 2015

How Did Online Education Become Popular?

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The journey of online education is inevitable and its inevitability can be recognized in its fast growing aspects that produce a healthy and effective impact on all of the aspects of the learning system and adding a lot to the definition of education. It is proved that online education is giving more innovative ways as well as interesting and effective tools to education and the aspects of these variety of characteristics not only engages the mind of the learners but also becomes a firm definition to the modern methods of the learning system’s effectiveness and newer procedures. 

The significant increase in the popularity of online education is evident when the attraction is turned towards the followers of it. People nowadays are realizing the meaning of online education as whatever it gives appears like a gift to them. Effective learning methodology, superb learning experience, skilful blend of technology and education, the mind-engaging style and the vast and unlimited world of education offered in the virtual medium has made the curious minds of the modern learners to take the hand of online education
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and to go in the path of a future where newer possibilities are waiting to welcome them. This could not have been possible without online education

This proper estimation of online education and the deep understanding of the purpose of it providing more beneficial elements to the modern learners of the world have prominently resulted in the expansion of its popularity among the seekers of the modern style of education. 

The increase in popularity can be understood better if the example of Nancy Toups, is looked at. Come, let’s take a look:

Parents Are Looking For It!

The parents are much more concerned about the both their children’s future and the future offered by the online education. As the rapidly increasing educational requirements are demanded from the children, the
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parents gradually start moving towards getting a more personalized education. And personalized education is one of the dominant factors of online education. So, the parents find online education a much healthier way of education for their children.

The Example Of Nancy Toups

In the year 1999, former public school teacher Nancy Toups started the e-learning K-12 with two other teachers. She also educated her three children in home.
Her aim was to represent not only online education but also highlight that it can lead towards individualized education in an interesting and effective way. She kept in mind that the personalized education must be productive and useful to the students than mere technological implementations.

The First Step

The teachers started there endeavor with the dream of a probable great future in their minds. With only 20
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students they started as Toups’ Thibodaux in a loft. Their dream appeared as a truth in reality as the number of the students became 1000 coming from all of the locations of the country in Thibodaux, Houma and baton range.


The state Department of Education has given a great score to the organization. 

The Courier reported that the way of e-learning not only delivers e-learning methodology but also lets the students to study in the pace that they find comfortable to themselves.

Online Education Rises

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So, it privileges only e-learning or online learning. It will enable the learners to explore education in a new way. Education will become a quest for them. A better grasp on education as well as earning knowledge in a more prominent and effective are the examples of the influential characteristics of online education that makes it what it has become today. It has become the hope for the curious learners who seek to reach the complete fruition of education. Online education rises and its rise is the key to the door, beyond which is an amazing future. 

What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.

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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Student vibes, before Graduation, about the perks on an Online MBA

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The present day society, obviously, requires their employees to show well depth of knowledge over the concerned subject as well as effective and skilled exhibition of the technical and applicable insights of education. These mentioned abilities aim towards the firm foundation of one’s professional career. Degrees are definitely required for the access to get better employment opportunities. Adding up more degrees to one’s resume actually helps the candidate to solidify his/ her professional establishment. 

But what about the employees who want to follow education as well as incorporating a degree to strengthen and widen their job opportunities? 

There are various business courses offered by several universities but the employers cannot follow a regular course because of their jobs. 

The solution for them is the online courses that offer a varied range of business management courses.

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Online MBA course

 An online MBA course effectively helps the business professionals to enable themselves more equipped for getting better opportunities in the business field. It can provide a lot, even to an undergraduate student as it provides a number of benefits to them. It effectively builds up the professionalism in a candidate as well as giving him/her the insight of how to use the technical skills in a professional platform. It is always an advantageous aspect if you follow an undergraduate diploma in management. 

Why online MBA courses?

Before taking up an online MBA course, you need to think the purpose for which you have decided to take mentality of the students change it up. There are various different motives for an online MBA course. It differs as the Nigel Pye, assistant dean for the executive
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Nigel Pye, assistant dean for the executive masters' programs at Warwick Business School, says
"Some people are looking to get into the C-suite [the most senior executive roles], some are looking to get out of the niche area they're in and get a broader understanding of business, some are entrepreneurs who want to know how to run their own business and some are just looking for a complete career change."

Advantages of the students

The students do explore an advantageous opportunity in following the undergraduate diploma in business management. While the regular students do not have the opportunity to work or follow another extra
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education besides their traditional education, the online learners can easily follow the online course where they can easily follow a course in the online mode as well as following their traditional education or work. Added to that, they also get a privilege of their experiences which they can effectively implement, either of traditional education or of profession, in order to improve their own qualities.
Nick Greer, director of studies for the MSc in human resource management at the University of Liverpool's management school, says
"Most people are working professionals and have other commitments, so they go on when it suits them."
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Anytime and everywhere learning

It is another dominant facility of the online education. It enables the learners to be connected with education for 24-hours a day. You can follow learning anytime and anywhere as per your choice. You can follow studying in the daytime or you can pursue it in the night if you did not get to manage time in the day. An undergraduate diploma in management effectively helps the learner to follow education at the time when he finds it comfortable to study. 

Requirement from the students

The online education also requires a significant thing from the students. As it is more a form of skill-based education, it requires a strong representation of the skills of the students which eventually helps them though. It strengthens those skills of the learners which can be applied to their professional life. The undergraduate diploma in business management is not an exception. You need to demonstrate your skills in order to get an optimistic result. 

Determination makes it possible

It is eventually you, who will get the advantage of the undergraduate diploma in management if you sincerely follow it. You not only need to show your skills but also to decide and determine to follow such education. If you are successfully able to complete it, then there will be opportunities coming towards you and not towards them. 

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How Students Are Attaining Success In Open; Distance and E-Learning

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The International Council for Open and Distance Learning or the ICDE has found that open and distance learning mainly aims at the crucial purpose of the students’ success and not just providing education to them. The educational attributes are not only delivered to the students in a healthy way, but it also tries to show them the insight of the professional fields. A lot of benefits as well as a splendid opportunity to be placed at a better professional field: is what online education means to most of the learners

Let’s look at the report of ICDE that revealed how open; distance and e-learning target towards students’ success

More endeavor
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The report has stressed on the fact that the open; distance and e-learning providers are chiefly required to produce more endeavors in concentrating on the research regarding the educational matters. The providers of online education should emphasize more on the innovative aspects of education to make it efficient.

According to the report,
“There was a widespread linking of the institutional funding streams with student success, especially where government funding was made available.”
 The ignored way
It is found by the report that the correct handling and manipulation of data for increasing the support intervention strategies have always been the secret to student success. Unfortunately, according to the report, this fruitful way was ignored or not identified by the institutions and these strategies are again needed to be back to the educational system and the institutions should look forward to do it.
The ‘key research findings’ on the reports appendix revealed that the response mostly arrived from senior professionals of the educational organizations. 

Know the surroundings
The open; distance and e-learning allow the students to have a better grasp over the concept the proper scenario of the educational and professional field as well as the relation between them. It also helps the learners who does not have an idea of the background of higher education. Having knowledge over the field on which one works provides an extra advantage to them.

Supporting students’ success
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The report thinks that the organic way of dealing with the entire system of the institution leads to students’ success.

 The report says
“that is to say it must be based on the student’s whole experience of study.”
Providing the information in the pre-study phase; proper guidance; motivating the students’ mind and making them competitive are the secret to the success of the students. Added to that, the students’ mind will be more engaged to learning if the learning system consists of effective learning design and material. 

A healthy students’ support
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Support to the students is considered as another integral features aiming to the correct effectiveness of education.Students’ support is related to the experience of a student in the learning environment. The interventions should target to become universal in order to facilitate students’ support more.

Apt supply of data
The information and the educational content form one of the bases of learning. It is required that the information should be timely delivered to the learners with its proper relevance. 

Practice makes perfection
Lastly, it can be said that the fact of practicing can never be neglected if the students want success. Success becomes desirable when proper and enough are applied to practice. It will not guide, but form the success for the student.

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Effective education carries success with it
It is true that the open; distance and e-learning is such a way of education that has enough attributes of effective education. These features when applied to the students, brings a fruitful result to them as well as their success. The educational process provides the characteristics of education that becomes the reason of the future success of the students. Success depends on education and the students have got to earn the latter first to get the former.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you. 


Monday 31 August 2015

Online Education Transforming College To A New Distinctive World

Online education has started to reshape and modify the previous form of education which is the dominant one and this fact is clearly observed if we look at the case of Yavapai College.
The college is witnessing the ‘willing’ turn of its educational system from the traditional to the online mode. 

The critics’ opinion
Education’s journeying from the beginning has included various structural matters and procedures by which it was molded and reshaped in a newer; much more improved and effective state. Education traveled across various other systematic analytical methods to be appeared as what it has become today. Its development indicates towards the excellence of its ultimate aim and this rapid progress of development can never be stopped. Rather it is better to allow the persisting flow of its gradual elevation in order to get a better and efficient form than its earlier state. 
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But the modern day critics are not willing to maintain this order of the correctness of the continuation of the needed state of education. Education must persist to evolve into a better position. The critics are much more relying on what education should have become.
They should consider the mentioned evolution of education as a relevant process. They should rather concentrate on the evolved state of education than its probable formation. 

The changes in Yavapai College because of online education
The college has seen rapid changes in an optimistic way. Let us have a look at these changes: 
1.Number of online students increased: The number of the students being online learners has grown to 30%. On the other hand, the number of the students going to campus also surprisingly started falling short in the last six years. Even the college officials are saying that the online students are responsible for the formation of the college’s second campus. 
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 2.Online curriculum of the college and students’ enrollment: The College is offering 9 online degrees as well as 17 certificate programs. Tom Hughes, director of institutional effectiveness and research, estimates that the percentage of the students enrolling for online courses has increased from 34% to 47%.
3.The employers’ interest for online candidates: According to Al Filardo, YC Governing Board Member, the employers are becoming interested to hire online degree holders because they are not willing to require any supervision.  

Traditional vs. online education
It is another evident fact though that the majority of the people still tend to believe on the traditional education and they do not, completely, look upon online education as a healthy way for educating.
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But what about the present generation?
It is also becoming clear that the online education becomes more welcomed to the students as the choice of the students supporting it is growing rapidly.
It can be said that the advent of online education is an optimistic change or evolution of education and not just some of its ineffective turns. 

Let’s accept the change
The online education is like a platform where the effectiveness and efficiency of education dwells together in order to create perfection. It is not only a thoughtful notion but a proved example. The rapid preference of the students to take up online education in Yavapai College is the small representation of arrival of the online education as a dominant form of education in the future.


Monday 24 August 2015

Why We Should Take Up Online Education

It has been recently found that over 5000 candidates have applied for the Barbados Community College. The fact of the number of 5000 students applying in the mentioned college is a warm one but there is another trait that may lead to a problem.

 The college can only accept 1300 which can lead the applicants to sheer frustration and dissatisfaction.

What the situation means

It can be thoroughly understood that the mentioned problem has arisen because of some faults in the educational sector. The incident which happened was not known but was anticipated. So, what does this present problem indicate? It indicates the serious errors in the educational planning.

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Another question raises its doubtful head. Why any preparations have not been made to prevent such a massive problem if it was already assumed to happen?

The lack of professional integrity in the educational organizations is clearly understandable as this problem is the result of such negligence. 

The present situation

So, the present situation appears like that there are less number of sits and greater number of students. It will mean not allowing the students to fulfill their education and to be employed. It means not to give the access to their better future. 

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The students who will not be getting these opportunities to further their studies will have to look for alternative ways for further enhancement of their studies.
Students are required to expose their professional skills in the difficult competition of the job market. They should display their technical methods of their education in order to satisfy the requirement of the companies in the job markets. 

The solution

In this complicated time, where getting education becomes one of the significant problems the society is facing, online education comes up as a solution. It will not only help the students to get the equivalent education which others are getting but also provides a technology-equipped learning environment that enables the learners to learn in an innovative and effective way. 

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Although there are little demerits of the online mode of learning like the close interaction with teachers; the campus life are not there in online education but its advantages are more than that. 

Technical education follows the efficient path where the students’ performance level is not only identified but also improved to a standard level. Online education also exhibits the skillful way of technological implementations to enhance the learning power of the students that ultimately aims towards educating them. 

Transformation of education

If the traditional mode of learning cannot meet the demands of the students who are the base of the educational sectors, then the students should better equip themselves in learning online. It will not only enable them to learn equally like the traditional way of learning but also will help them to enhance their performance and skills with the use of blended combination of technology and education. The new age comes with newer aspects and the correct and timely implementation of those can lead to the better future of the students. 

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